That was a fairly good short flash. I enjoyed the impale at the end. At least winning the new record was worth the pain. A solid effort deserves a 4/5 and 9/10
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That was a fairly good short flash. I enjoyed the impale at the end. At least winning the new record was worth the pain. A solid effort deserves a 4/5 and 9/10
Thank you! There will be a much bigger solid effort in the next one, let me tell you!!
One of the best Madness flash games I've played in a long time. Hank's costume is unbeatable.
Like many Tower defense games, this is addicting, and a very well-done piece.
Great Game
This is a very well-done game. The story is driven out pretty great, and the gameplay does have a learning curve to it. The problem is that once you get the higher-level gloves, you can spam spells constantly without needing to worry about mana or health costs.
Awesome. 'Nuff said
Your voice is so awesome, you can sound so crazy yet sane all at once. It's amazing!
A Voice Demo Filled with Lol!
I love the line about the generic action movie, and the ending. "Hand me the lighter... Aww, dammit."
Glad you got a kick out of it! Honestly all the writing I do is pretty bad, I just make things up as I'm recording and don't bother to think it through, so the fact that somebody liked it is pretty reassuring.
Thank you for reviewing!
You, good sir have outdone yourself. Finish dis chit!
Wow. Just, wow.
This piece of work is beyond epic, sir. It very closely resembles image of the deep catacombs I have in my head for "Infection." I would draw it, but you've already outdone any attempt of mine. XP 5/5 11/10
Oh wow, thank you very much!! And you should draw your catacombs; practice is the best way to improve your skills! Good luck on Infection!!
This is a really good piece. The trench coat kinda reminds me of the NCR's veteran ranger combat armor. @ buddhas-hitman The masks the doctors wore improved their chances of survival. Inside the beak of the masks were herbal incences designed to make sure the apothecary breathed that rather than the virus.
The bandana did look like a beak at first, until I noticed the stitching to the mask.
She's like a cross between Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, Hank, and Lara Croft. Great job, keep up the Madness.
The sky is the limit. No, don't ask to be an astronaut, the *sky* is the *limit*.
Age 94, Male
The Moon
Joined on 6/11/07